Inadequate personal clothing and equipment will compromise your ability to participate
fully and will jeopardize the safety of your entire group. Any hiker not properly equipped
at the trailhead may be disqualified from the trip by the leader. All gear should be
tested and adjusted prior to the trip.
____ Backpack: 1000-3000 cubic inches
____ Boots: comfortable, broken-in, 3-season type.
____ Socks: thin, polypro, liner socks under heavier wool or wool blend socks.
____ Extra pair of heavy socks.
____ Waterproof poncho or jacket (include rain pants for mountain hikes)
____ Long or short pants: synthetic (e.g. nylon or polypropylene) or wool. Avoid cotton. No jeans.
____ Shirt: synthetic or wool. Avoid cotton.
____ Fleece jacket or wool sweater.
____ Gloves or mittens; hat
Further suggestions:
Other Supplies:
____ Toilet paper
____ Small first aid kit
____ Matches, knife
____ Sunglasses
____ Flashlight
____ Whistle
____ Sunscreen (15 or higher)
____ Insect repellent
____ Trash bag
____ Map and compass
____ Water bottles: 1 liter for half day; two liters for full day
____ Snacks: fruit, candy, trail mix
____ Light lunch
____ Hiking stick
____ Bandana
____ Lip balm
____ Small camera and/or binoculars
Further suggestions: