DATE: Thursday, May 7, 2009

TIME: 6:00 PM (Please be there earlier to sign in)

TRAILHEAD: Houghton's Pond (if rainy, please meet at the covered pavilion)

TONIGHT'S LEADERS: Cheryl Lathrop, Joe Keogh

TONIGHT'S VOLUNTEERS: Maureen Kelly (cartographer), Ellen Correia (sign-in), Linda Glynn (registrar)



TONIGHT's HIKE: We will be hiking the blue arrow-ed trails, and the circled itty bitty trails, if time. Not the blue-dashed Skyline Trail! See map below.


DIRECTIONS TO TRAILHEAD: EXIT 3 Houghton’s Pond. To get there, take Route 128/93 to exit 3 and travel north on Blue Hill St. to the end.  Take a right on Hillside St. and drive about ½ mile toward the large Houghton’s Pond Parking Lot on the right. It is suggested that you park outside the gate, in the small lot, to avoid getting locked inside at dusk.

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In the Blue Hills, it's not mandatory to have 'official' hiking clothing and equipment. However, headlamps/flashlights are mandatory, as we frequently complete hikes in the dark.  Water and raincoats are mandatory as well. Please pay attention to the *1 Quart Minimum* of water.


NOTE: If you're interested in becoming a leader, please let us know and we’ll train you as a co-leader! Also, if you just want to take on a little more responsibility, without becoming a leader, please let us know when you'd like to plan a hike loop!



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Any questions, please call or email. 

Leader, Cheryl Lathrop: 508-254-0709 (cell),

Leader, Joe Keogh: 508-542-0665 (cell),

REGISTRAR: Linda Glynn,, 508-496-4009


What to bring:

Hiking boots or sturdy tie shoes

Rain Coat required: (Please bring it every week, if only to appease the sun gods)

Water required: At least 1 quart. Hiking works up a thirst. And dehydration is a major source of hiking problems. Staying hydrated during the hikes helps you feel better the next day.

Headlamp or flashlight required: The end of the hikes are sometimes in the dark. You'll need one!

First Aid kit: Leaders carry a group first aid kit in case of injury, however participants should always bring Band-Aids, moleskin, Advil/Motrin, etc. that may be needed during a hike.

Toilet paper: There are no rest areas in the woods. J

Cancellation Policy: We hike every Thursday, rain or shine. Fun is where and when you make it! However, thunderstorms or tornadoes will cancel, or shorten, the hikes!

Risks: Rattlesnakes, ticks, EEE, West Nile, breaking your ankle, poking a stick in your eye, heart attacks, etc. There are also balancing benefits, like exercise and the fellowship of other hikers. That’s not to mention the simple pleasure of walking in the woods! The balance point varies for each person. It’s your choice.

Trash bag: to pick up trash. Hook to outside of your pack.

General notes:

1)       No dogs are permitted on these trips.

2)       Cell phones may be brought, but must be kept turned off during the hikes.

3)       We will hike ‘together.’ Please plan to complete the hike with us. Light rain will not cancel the hikes. Under severe weather conditions (if it starts pouring) we, as a group, will decide to continue or head back.

4)       Thunderstorms will cancel, or shorten, the trips! As will tornadoes!

5)       Anyone with medical conditions (asthma inhaler, epipen, etc.) please inform the leader.

6)       Non-AMC members are permitted (encouraged!) to attend. (Hopefully having fun with us will encourage them/you to join. J)

7)       If you wish to bring a friend, whom you know to have experience, the proper equipment, etc, just let us know a few days before the hike.

8)       There are rattlesnakes and copperheads within the Blue Hills. Rare, but they do exist.  If you are concerned about this, please ask now, not when we meet one on the trail!   J


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