Red/Blue/Green Lining ---------
the Blue Hills
* * * June 18 RLBH annual cookout! * * *
Houghtons Pond picnic area
Watch for more details coming later from
Sue Salmon, our RLBH Social Coordinator.
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009
Time: Leave promptly at 6:00 pm
(Please be there earlier to sign in)
Trailhead: Fisherman's Beach Parking, Randolph St. Canton, MA (see
map below)
Tonight's Leaders: Cheryl Lathrop,
Joe Keogh
Volunteers: Maureen Kelly (cartographer),
Ellen Correia (sign-in, attendance), Linda Glynn (registrar, screening), Sue
Salmon (Social Coordinator), Jerry Yos (sweep)
Tonight's Co-Leaders:
Tonight's Hike: We will be hiking trails on the other side of Ponkapoag
Pond. See map below of planned trails.
Directions to Trailhead: From the West- I93/Rt128 to exit 2A. Go South and take a left onto Randolph St. The parking lot will be a little more than a mile on the left. From the East- I93/Rt128 to exit 5A and go south to Reed St. Make a right onto Reed St, which turns into Canton St and then into Randolph St.and go 1.9 miles to Parking on right. (The driveway is just a few feet east of the Temple driveway. Go slow and peer into the woods, as it is hard to see!) PLEASE PARK CLOSE TOGETHER SO THAT EVERYONE FITS! PLEASE DOUBLE STACK SMALL CARS IF POSSIBLE!)