AMC-SEM Chapter


The Communications Committee produces the monthly chapter e-newsletter, the monthly chapter e-mail blast, the chapter website, the chapter annual report, any chapter brochures, and all social networking (FacebookInstagram). Its personnel consists of the Committee Chair (a voting member of the SEM Executive Board), Committee Vice-Chair, Webmaster,  Social Media Administrator, and various writers, editors, proofreaders, assistants, and moderators. Each and every volunteer contributes significantly to the smooth running of the committee! 

The Southeast Breeze e-newsletter is published monthly on the chapter website 

The e-mail blast is published once a month and e-mailed to members who have opted in.  

To opt into our e-mails, including a notice when The Breeze is posted, please visit Click on the “Menu” button in the top right corner. Go to “Join” or “Renew” and scroll down to Subscribe to our Newsletters. Select Chapter Newsletter to receive updates from your local AMC Chapter. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What kinds of articles, photos, announcements, and activities do you publish?  

Within our chapter, there are many experts who write educational articles of interest. The Breeze has run such articles as how to make your own bug spray, how to stretch for a hike, and how to layer clothing. Unless photos are examples or illustrations for educational articles, generally only photos from AMC-led activities are published. The same is true for activity summaries. Announcements are also chapter related.  

If I attend an AMC-SEM activity, will my information get published in The Breeze?  

Only general details (the weather, the mileage, the number of attendees, etc.) will be published if someone is summarizing a hike, educational workshop, etc. Your permission will be sought to use your name (first and last), a quote, or a photograph.

When is The Breeze deadline for articles, pictures, and activities?

The deadline for submission in the next immediate issue (published the second weekend of the month) is the 15th of the month before, but you may submit an article anytime.

How do activities get listed in The Breeze?

Activities in the AMC online trip listing system are posted in The Breeze
Is there a style guide?

Yes. Check out our style guide here. 

How do I submit an article or picture in The Breeze? 

Send articles, pictures, announcements, etc. to Attach Word documents and JPEG photos, if possible. Include photo captions and credits in the attached document. You can also paste text and photos into the email message box. If you use PDF format, the file will be converted to DOCX format. Remember to gain permission from subjects to use their names or images, and to credit the authors and photographers. Text will be edited for length, clarity, and typographical errors.

Can I advertise in The Breeze?  

Yes. We have almost 2,000 subscribers and about a 40% open rate with a 13% click rate. The only exception is an AMC policy to not advertise competing recreational organizations. The eligibility of your ad will be decided by the Communications Chair in consultation with the AMC- SEM Executive Board. 

We charge $10 for a business card sized ad, $15 for up to a quarter page, $28 for a half page, and $50 for a full page.

Please contact the SEM Communications Chair. 

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