AMC-SEM Chapter

Going on an AMC Hike

Call the leader or co-leader!!! (one to two weeks ahead of time for non show-and-go hikes). Please, please, do not call the day or night before! For backpacks you must call at least one week ahead of the event.

Get the information from the leader. The leader will ask about your experience and equipment. He or she may have an information sheet that they can mail or email you. Determine from the leader whether the meeting time is the departure time or when the trip introductions begin. New members are strongly encouraged to arrive 15 minutes or more before the meeting time.

The leader may suggest an easier hike if there is any question on your ability.

Start out easy, advance to harder hikes.

In general we suggest that new AMC members participate in an easy local hike to acquaint themselves with the protocol of group hiking and to meet leaders and other members. It is also a good opportunity to assess your abilities. Be realistic with your expectations!!

Arrive at the trail head or meeting location early. Although leaders generally wait up to 15 minutes past the set meeting time for hikes requiring several hours of driving, local hikes, particularly mid-week evening hikes do not wait and leave at the advertised meeting time.

Interpretation of the ratings below will vary depending on the leader and location of the hike.

Miles Pace/mph Terrain
AA=13 1=fast/2.5 A=v. stren.
A=9-13 2-fast/2.0 B=strenuous
B=5-8 3-mod/1.5 C=average
C=5- 4=leis/<1.5 D=easy


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