AMC-SEM Chapter

Membership Questions


Q. How can I join the SEM chapter?
A. The easiest way to join is from the website. Click on "Membership" and then "Join the Club".

Q. What basic things would I need to start out hiking and anything else you think would be important?
A. We offer many hikes of varying length/difficulty, locally all over southeast Mass and the Cape, as well as in the Berkshires, New Hampshire, and Maine, and sometimes beyond. Many are good for starting out. I suggest you find one of interest and call the hike leader. The leader knows the trail, has planned the hike and can explain what you need in terms of equipment and ability. The hiking chair can also assist you. Any event in the Breeze is open to you, though some require more hiking experience than others.

Q. Would membership allow me to take part only in activities on the south shore?
A. No. You're eligible for any AMC activities stretching across our chapters from Maine to Washington, DC. You also are eligible for AMC events outside this region, and AMC does organize events out west and many places overseas.

Q. Aside from being able to participate in many outdoor activities (hiking, biking, paddling, skiing, snowshoeing, camping, etc.), how would I benefit from being a member?
A. Other benefits include the network of acquaintances to be made as a member, social events, and the opportunity to enhance knowledge of and develop skills in conservation, first aid during hiking situations, and group leadership.

Q. I recently joined the AMC and am an experienced backpacker. What do you offer for overnight backpacking?
A. We have several backpackers who volunteer as leaders. In 2009 they organized a beginners backpacking workshop followed by three introductory overnight backpacks in southern NH. In past years they organized trips to Katadhin in Maine, Mts. Liberty and Flume in NH, and along the western Mass Appalachian Trail, among others. Decisions as to what backpacking trips to offer are at the discretion of our volunteer leaders.

Q. If I have a membership, can I bring a guest for the hikes?
A. Members do on occasion invite non-member guests along. Depending on the event, there may be no charge, a fee may be involved, or priority may be given to AMC members if space is limited.

Q. Do you have activities during the week, as I usually have weekend commitments?
A. Yes we organize events on weekdays, some during the day, some late in the day for after work, and occasionally in the evening. Check the Breeze.

Q. I am a 25-year-old female and am considering joining your club, which I know involves people of all ages. I am wondering, though, if you have many members in my age group?
A. Certainly there are members in that age group, but we organize events without regard to age group and let interests and abilities drive participation.
Let me suggest you try out a few activities. Pick something out, call the leader to get additional information as needed, and give it a try.

Q. Do you hike in the Blue Hills?
A. We frequently organize Blue Hills hikes, both weekdays and weekends. From April through October during daylight savings time we run weekly Thursday after work hikes, wherein we try to hike all trails over the course of the season. We also have weekday and weekend Blue Hill hikes several times during the year, (including end-to-end over the Skyline Trail), and regular Tuesday morning conditioning hikes.

Q. Is the website the best way to find out about the upcoming activities?
A. The Southeast Mass website,, is one source, though our quarterly newsletter The Southeast Breeze is probably the best way. As a member you also receive Outdoors magazine, which lists activities of all AMC chapters. Finally, the website is the ultimate for everything AMC wide.

Q. I'm a member of another AMC chapter. How can I switch to an SEM membership?
A. You can effect a chapter change on-line through the website. You'll need your membership ID number, which is on your membership ID card and your Outdoors mailing label. If that doesn't work for some reason, contact the Membership Chair.

Q. I am a member of another AMC chapter and will be moving into the SEM area. Can I be added to the mailing list for your calendar of activities?
A. Yes, but to do so you must change your chapter membership. Just physically moving and supplying your change of address to AMC may still leave you as a member of your old chapter. You can effect a chapter change online through the website.

Still have questions? Contact the membership chair.


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